Stump Removal

A tree stump that has been extracted from the ground by a backhoe

Stump removal is one of the two stump services we offer. Stump removal involves using heavy machinery to extract the stump and root ball intact from the earth substrate. When a tree’s root system is mechanically pulled up by heavy machinery, it leaves a large hole. These holes then need to be filled with dirt to level the ground where the stump used to be. This is often not ideal, but in other instances it is preferred especially if a new or larger tree will be planted in the stumps place.

A tree’s root system can often be more pervasive than we may realize and can extend out further than the leaf canopy. Often, these root systems travel below ground and beneath buildings, drives or other structures. Pulling up these root systems can cause damage to anything sitting above, and thus stump removal would not work in all situations.

There are a few situations where stump removal is not ideal. In these cases, stump grinding is recommended.

  • Root System is Too Large
    Some trees are so large that the root system left behind with the stump can be too big to pull out of the ground with even the largest of excavators. Even if the stump and root system were to be pulled out, it would leave a massive hole to fill.
  • Too Invasive to Perform Service
    A stump may be located in an area where heavy machinery cannot reach or performing the removal would be too invasive to surrounding area.
  • Resulting Hole
    Property owner may not wish to bring in additional material to fill in the hole left by the root ball. Filling the whole from stump removal can incur additional fill material expenses that stump grinding would not.

If you think our stump services are right for you, just give us call to discuss at (501) 425-6693 or use the form below to request a free estimate.

Free Estimates


Service Areas

For next day or same day service, we serve these counties:
Pulaski, Saline, Lonoke, Faulkner, Jefferson and Grant.

For services outside our standard area, we serve these counties:
Garland, Hot Springs, Prairie, White, Conway, Perry and Cleburne.

We can also work outside of our service area for larger jobs.

Contact Info

Stump Busters
13208 Asher Road

Little Rock, AR 72206
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